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SLt Michael Galita

VANGEN 25-01 Winter Virtual SCOP Training - Updated Dates

Updated: Jan 8

  1. Rgn Trg O (Sail) will conduct virtual PCOC (Mod 1) and ROC(M) (Mod 2) training in the January to March 2025 time frame using MS Teams;

  2. Target audience are cadets. The following criteria should be used to identify applicants:

    1. Mod 1 (PCOC): Phase 3 cadets and higher; however Phase 2 cadets will be

      considered if space is available;

    2. Mod 2 (ROC(M)): Phase 4 cadets and higher. Cadets being loaded on this course are expected to have their PCOC already;

    3. Adults may be considered; however, they will not be paid;

  3. Virtual PCOC courses will consist of the following dates and serials:

    1. 25SCOP08VPCOC (Mo 3 Feb 25 – 24 Mar 25) no class 17 Feb and 10 Mar;

    2. 25SCOP10VPCOC (We 5 Feb 25 – 26 Mar 25) no class 19 Feb and 12 Mar;

    3. 25SCOP11VPCOC (Th 6 Feb 25 – 27 Mar 25) no class 20 Feb and 13 Mar;

  4. Virtual ROC(M) courses will consist of the following dates and serials:

    1. 25SCOP07VROCM (Sa 18 Jan 25 – Sa 1 Mar 25) classes Saturday and Sunday AM;

    2. 25SCOP12VROCM (10 – 14 Mar 25 in PM);

  5. Times are expected to be as follows:

    1. Evening PCOC courses: 1900 – 2030 hrs EST;

    2. Morning courses: 0900 – 1130 hrs EST;

    3. Afternoon courses: 1300 – 1530 EST hrs;

  6. Corps COs are to prioritize their loading as there are limited amount of billets per serial.

  7. When cadets are selected they will be loaded onto their technical serial in FORTRESS.

  8. Applications are typically due one week before the start of a particular serial unless otherwise specified (please note that this is when the application needs to be submitted by RCSCC Vanguard staff - please don't apply on the day the serial is due)

    1. 11 Jan 25 - 25SCOP07VROCM;

    2. 27 Jan 25 - 25SCOP08VPCOC;

    3. 29 Jan 25 - 25SCOP10VPCOC;

    4. 30 Jan 25 - 25SCOP11VPCOC;

    5. 3 Mar 25 - 25SCOP12VROCM

  9. Instructors. SCOP Module 1 and 2 instructors are invited to put forth their name for

    consideration to teach one or more courses. Applications are requested NLT 10 Jan 25.

  10. Cadets wishing to apply are to e-mail

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